From Our Members

Do you ever wonder why some businesses effortlessly attract media attention? Are you unsure of how to begin gaining coverage for your business? You’re not alone. We often get questions from business owners seeking advice on how to get noticed by the media.

Media coverage is essential for brand visibility, and we’re here to guide your success.

Expect valuable insights, actionable tips, and empowering guidance to capture media opportunities and leave your mark.

Share your questions and topics; we’re here to support you at every turn!

What is media pitching, and why is it important for my business?

Media pitching strategically connects you and your business with journalists, editors, and news platforms by presenting ideas and information for stories. Persuasive pitches can garner meaningful coverage and boost your brand presence and credibility. Effective pitching understands journalist preferences, builds relationships, and adapts to current trends.

Pitching is an ongoing process and success requires research, finesse and audience awareness.

Five Considerations for Successful Media Pitching

Media pitching can be a powerful tool to get the word out about your business. You can boost your media outreach efforts and increase the likelihood of securing valuable media coverage for your brand by learning about these five key aspects of media pitching.

Research and Targeting: Identify the most relevant media outlets, journalists, and influencers in your industry or niche. Take the time to understand their interests, beats, and audience demographics. By tailoring your pitches to align with what they care about, you’ll catch their attention and pique their interest.

Value Proposition and Storytelling: The media landscape is competitive. Clearly state your business’s unique value proposition. What sets you apart from the rest? Craft a compelling and engaging story around your brand, highlighting what makes it special, innovative, or meaningful. Try to lead with a human-interest angle – stories that tug at people’s heartstrings are more likely to be considered by journalists.

Materials and Resources: Press releases, high-quality images, videos, and other relevant resources should be readily available for journalists to use. Providing these assets makes it easier for them to create valuable content and increases the likelihood of your story being featured.

Professional Communication and Assistance: Always use a professional and respectful tone. Write a subject line that captures the essence of your pitch, and in the body of the email, be clear, concise, and avoid jargon. Journalists are busy – respect their time and be prompt in responding to any inquiries or requests.

Relationship Building: Building strong and genuine relationships with journalists is a game-changer. Go beyond pitch-related interactions and engage with them on a personal level. Follow them on social media and share their work when appropriate. By establishing trust and credibility, you increase the chances of them being interested in covering your future stories.

Bonus Tip: Timing!

Timing is everything in media pitching. Keep an eye on current events, seasons, and trends, and write your pitches accordingly. A timely and relevant story is more likely to catch the media’s attention and lead to coverage.

Remember, media pitching is an ongoing process that requires patience, adaptability, and a willingness to learn and improve. By building a strong media presence, you can boost brand awareness, establish credibility, and foster business growth.

Not every pitch will result in coverage. By implementing these five key aspects of pitching, you’ll boost your chances of securing valuable media coverage for your brand.

If you want to know more about media relations and how it can work for your organization, email me at  


More than 306 billion emails are sent and received each day. And companies have reported that they make $36 for every U.S. dollar they spent on email marketing. However, this success would not be possible if marketers applied a one-size-fits all model to their marketing communications. The most effective strategies for email marketing campaigns apply customer segmentation, personalized messaging, and triggered automation sends. The goal of email marketing is to reach the right customer with the right message at the right time.

We’ve gathered 12 must-have campaigns for your existing customer base to grow revenue, loyalty, and retention.


1. Welcome Emails: Crafting First Impressions

As soon as you have converted your prospect into a customer, it is time for you to ensure they don’t experience buyer’s remorse. This first automated message welcomes them to your brand and reinforces the value of their purchase decision. Use this communication to explain important next steps, the value of your product or service, and what they can expect from your future marketing communications.

Consider including information about any warranties or guarantees that come with their purchase, as well as any additional resources or support that may be available to them. This will help to build trust and instill confidence in your brand.

2. Customer Onboarding Series

For more complex products, consider a series of onboarding emails to ensure users are getting the most out of their purchase.

Determine the most important steps of the lifecycle journey where a customer will achieve the most value from your service or where they are most likely to run into obstacles. By doing so, you can increase customer engagement and retention, and reduce churn rates. These campaigns should be personalized based on demographic factors, customer behavior and tier level of their purchase. Prioritize the features they need to activate, and send reminders, educational videos, downloadable resources, and infographics.

3.Social Proof Emails: Building Trust

Social proof is a powerful tool that can help you establish credibility and trust with your new customers. By showcasing positive testimonials, reviews, case studies, or usergenerated content, you can show your new customers that they are in good hands and that others have had a positive experience with your product or service. This can help to alleviate any doubts or concerns they may have and make them more likely to make a purchase or work with you in the future. When creating social proof emails, it's important to keep in mind the tone and messaging of your brand. You want to showcase your customer's positive experiences without coming across as a sales message.

4. Feedback Surveys: Enhancing the Experience

Early in the lifecycle is a key moment to get a pulse for how things are going. Collecting customer feedback is vital for improving your products and services. Create targeted feedback surveys to understand your audience's preferences and pain points. Use this information to refine your offerings and demonstrate that you value customer opinions. And for negative feedback, be sure your customer success team reaches out to solve the problem. Consider implementing a customer feedback program that rewards customers for sharing their thoughts and ideas. By prioritizing customer feedback, you can build a loyal customer base and continuously improve your business.


5. Newsletter Campaigns: Engaging Content for Subscribers

Keeping your audience informed and engaged is the primary goal of newsletter campaigns. Newsletters provide an excellent platform to share valuable content, industry updates, special events, and exclusive offers. Ensure a consistent schedule and relevant content to maintain subscriber interest. Your newsletter content should aim to be informative, creative and engaging. Consider including articles, infographics, videos, or podcasts that your users will find valuable. You should also consider including interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, or surveys. This will provide valuable insights into your subscribers' preferences and help you tailor your content to their needs.

6. Product Announcements:  Presenting New Features

Showcase your latest upgrades through targeted product announcement emails. However, not every update warrants an announcement to avoid annoying users. For instance, smaller bug fixes can be silently updated without an email, while significant changes like product redesigns or feature additions require a communication. Announcing product updates can help boost user engagement, drive feature discovery and adoption, and enhance customer loyalty.

7. Event Invitations: Driving Attendance

Whether it's a webinar, product launch, or in-person event, use compelling emails to drive attendance. Consider offering early access, VIP seating, or special perks to those who RSVP early.

8.Holiday Promotions: Capitalizing on Festive Seasons

Leverage the holiday spirit to boost sales and engagement. Plan and execute holiday-themed email campaigns that align with your brand. This approach allows you to connect with your audience during peak shopping seasons. To make the most out of holiday promotions, it's important to start planning early and create a cohesive strategy that aligns with your brand's values and messaging. Additionally, make sure to incorporate festive visuals and messaging in your email campaigns and social media posts to create a sense of excitement and urgency.

Cross-Sell and Upgrade

9. Limited-Time Offers: Creating Scarcity

Implementing limited-time offers can be a powerful tool in your email campaigns. Leverage the psychological power of scarcity by crafting compelling messages that emphasize the exclusivity and time-sensitive nature of the promotion. By doing so, you can create a sense of urgency and drive conversions.

10. Complementary Products: Maximizing Revenue

Encourage additional purchases by implementing cross-sell and upsell campaigns. Recommend complementary products or upgrades based on customers' previous purchases. Use look-a-like data from other customers to determine the likelihood of a similar upgrade.

11. Abandoned Cart: Recover Sidetracked Customers

Cart abandonment is a common issue, with various reasons for why consumers may leave your site without completing their purchase. It could be due to competition from other vendors, wanting to wait for a sale or coupon code, shipping preferences or perhaps they were simply sidetracked. Combat this by implementing effective abandoned cart emails. Start by sending a sequence of emails, with the initial message not offering a discount. Then, follow up with attractive incentives in subsequent emails to re-engage the customer and encourage them to complete their purchase.

12. Birthday or Anniversary Emails: Build Customer Loyalty

Sending a birthday or anniversary email to your customers is a simple yet effective way to show them that you value their business. By personalizing the message and offering a special discount or exclusive perk, you not only make them feel appreciated, but you also increase the chances of them returning to make a purchase. You can also use birthday rewards to test different offers such as 20% off vs $10 off or free shipping.

In Conclusion

Integrating these diverse email marketing campaigns into your strategy can enhance customer engagement, drive sales, and build lasting relationships. Tailor your approach based on your brand, industry, and the preferences of your audience to maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

At Fayre Marketing, we partner with businesses to drive revenue, customer retention, and loyalty through email marketing. Grow your email list and boost engagement with an award-winning email marketing consultant. We start by analyzing the needs of your customers to build a personalized email communications strategy to onboard, engage, retain, and grow your customer base.

Let's chat about customer-centric marketing, a game-changer that puts your customers at the heart of all your marketing moves. We're diving into the nitty-gritty in this ultimate guide – from understanding the foundations to practical tips for weaving it into your company's DNA. Let's dive into the world of customer-centric marketing.

Step 1: Walk a Mile in Your Customer's Shoes

One of the first steps in infusing customer-centricity into your company is to adopt a mindset that places the customer front and center. This involves putting yourself in your customer's shoes and viewing your business from their perspective. By doing so, you can gain valuable insights into their needs, pain points, and expectations, which will allow you to tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

For example, if you run an e-commerce store, consider the entire customer journey, from browsing products to making a purchase and receiving support. Are there any bottlenecks or pain points along the way? By addressing these issues, you can create a seamless and enjoyable experience for your customers.

Step 2: Building Solid Customer Relationships

Listening is the secret sauce. Actively ask for feedback through surveys, social media, or direct chats. By listening and responding to their concerns, you can build trust and show that their opinions matter. Transparency is another vital aspect of building strong customer relationships. Be open and honest about your business practices, pricing, and policies. This transparency builds trust and fosters long-term loyalty.

And here's the kicker: personalization. Customize communications based on customer preferences, past behavior, location, demographics, and more. Show your clients they're not just a number, but unique individuals.

Step 3: Long-Term Metrics for Customer Marketing Impact

Sure, short-term metrics matter, but let's talk long-term. Customer lifetime value (CLV) measures the total revenue a customer generates throughout their relationship with your business. By analyzing CLV, you can identify your most valuable customers and allocate resources accordingly. This metric also helps you understand the return on investment for acquiring and retaining customers. NPS measures customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking customers how likely they are to recommend your business to others. 

Step 4: Creating Unforgettable Experiences

Personalized interactions are a powerful way to create memorable experiences. Take the time to understand your customers' preferences and tailor your interactions accordingly. Use their names, remember their previous interactions, and offer personalized recommendations. These small gestures make customers feel valued and appreciated.

Surprise rewards and incentives can also make a lasting impression. Consider implementing a loyalty program that rewards customers for their continued support. Surprise them with exclusive offers, discounts, or personalized gifts. These unexpected rewards create a sense of delight and strengthen the bond between your brand and your customers.

Step 5: Optimize Your Website for a Smooth Ride

In the customer-centric world, your website is the tour guide. Make it user-friendly, intuitive, and mobile-responsive. Smooth navigation equals happy customers, leading to higher engagement and conversions. Regularly test offers, landing pages, calls to action, and button color to determine what format is best for performance.  Use urgency, such as limited-time offers, to drive sales. In addition, make sure you provide information that may stall a purchase decision, such as return policies, shipping methods, and money-back guarantees.

Step 6: The Content Marketing Power Play

Content is the MVP. Whether it's blogs, videos, or social media magic, create content that speaks to your customers' needs and interests. Be the trusted resource they turn to. This approach establishes expertise, promotes brand awareness, and keeps your company top of mind when it's time to make a purchase. Brand storytelling is a great way to connect with your audience. A brand story is a summary of your company’s history, mission, and core values, with a descriptive narrative that brings it to life.

Step 7: Elevate Your Customer Support Game

Customer support is your ace. Resolve issues pronto, show commitment to satisfaction through live chat, phone support, or self-service options. Invest in a rock-solid support system and watch customer loyalty soar. Marketing should be glued to the hip with customer support specialists so that they have a pulse on what customers are experience - both positive and negative. Those positive interactions can become case studies, testimonials, and customer advocates. Negative experiences offer an opportunity for marketing to improve communications, education, offers, and more.

Mastering the Art of Customer-Centric Marketing

To master this art, understand your customers inside out. Infuse customer-centric culture in every corner of your company, measure long-term metrics, and sprinkle in memorable experiences. It's the winning formula in today's competitive arena.

And hey, if you need a hand boosting customers and ROI, give Fayre Marketing a shout. We've got your back! 🚀

I don't know about you, but it feels like every day I have less and less time available. This is what my day looks like if I don't prepare a healthy, quick grab and go breakfast!

I wake up early, blearily seeing that I barely have enough time to grab a quick coffee and a granola bar. 

Sit at my desk, surrounded by emails and meetings, with people demanding my attention while trying to get my own work done, fueled by another 1-2 coffees. Lunch rolls around, and I grab whatever is fastest (which I know isnt the best for my healthy or energy, but I don't have time!) 

As afternoon rolls in, the fatigue and stress take over, leading to snacking on sugary foods while trying not to fall asleep. My afternoon is unproductive and unfocused, leading to a bit of a panic for what I won't be able to finish, and knowing the next morning I'll have to play catch up. Again

By the time my day is done, I'm too exhausted both mentally and physically to cook a nutritious meal and opt for takeout of convenient packaged foods. I'm starving from a day of coffee and snacks and end up overeating and I know it. But I can't seem to stop myself

I stay up too late from all the sugar and caffeine (and possibly a glass of wine to help with stress!)

The next day the whole cycle starts over again. 

Am I alone in this?! I don't think so. I talk to women every day who struggle with this same cycle. 

Change Your Morning, Change Your Day with these Quick and Healthy Breakfasts!

This could be avoided with some key, targeted preparation. And, since this is a nutrition newsletter I'm going to tackle this from a nutrition perspective

If I'd had nutritious breakfast, lunches and snacks ready to go, I wouldn't feel this way. I'd be ready for the morning, have less coffee to keep going since I'd have real food, and the afternoon slump wouldn't occur because lunch would be nutrient dense and not just convenient carbs. 

Stress would be lower too, because I wouldn't have to choose what to eat. It would be just as quick and convenient, but I'd know that I was eating foods that fueled my body. 

 The next day I wouldn't be so behind either. I'd get more done, and feel good when I stopped work for the day. 

The sacrifice here is taking the time to plan and prep your meals. We take this to be a daunting task but it doesn't have to be! 

I prep my breakfast and lunches for the whole week in about an hour. It makes everything go SO much smoother!  

This is a tough meal for most of us. Mornings are crazy, especially if you have kids that you're trying to get ready in addition to yourself! 

My recommendation is to have the same breakfast every day. Variety is great - but if we are trying to go for convenience and ease, its going to make it much harder. You can change up flavors, sauces or toppings to vary it up if you like. But having the same breakfast each morning will make this way easier

All of these breakfasts are ready to literally grab and go!

Grab and Go Breakfast: Protein Pancake Dippers

  1. Kodiak cake high protein pancake, cut into slices

  2. Hard boiled eggs

  3. Orange (can use any fruit)

  4. Powdered peanut butter mixed with water*

    *Powdered Peanut butter is higher in protein and lower in fat than regular peanut butter. Also its easier for dipping pancakes into because its a bit more liquidy

If you need little jars or bowls for sauces, yogurt, protein powder, or snacks, I recommend these on amazon. They have lids or are cute without them! We’ve had these for 4 years now and they are still holding up great.

Quick Heat and Eat Breakfast: The Egg Bake

I make this every week for both my husband and myself, so we BOTH have breakfast for the week ready to go. I vary the seasonings from week to week, usually Mexican or Italian. 

To make this truly grab and go, make it into a breakfast sandwich with a bagel thin, english muffin or toast. Or you could just wrap it in tinfoil! 

Easy Healthy Breakfast: Protein Overnight Oats

The key here is to make sure that you have some kind of protein, I recommend protein powder. When you look up recipes there are a ton that are pure carbs and that's not going to get you the energy you need. 

  1. Old fashioned Oats, uncooked

  2. Your fave milk (equal volume to oats)

  3. 1 scoop Protein powder

  4. 1-2 Mix ins

  5. Mix, cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (ideally overnight)

Mix in Options:

  • Chia seeds (fiber!)

  • Fruits

  • Chocolate chips

  • Coconut flakes

  • Nut butter

  • Peanut butter powder (higher in protein)

  • Cocoa Powder

My favorite overnight oat combos:

  1. Chocolate protein + nut butter = pb cup

  2. Vanilla protein + berries = berries and cream

  3. Lemon protein + raspberries + chia seeds = delicious

For more ideas, get my free Grab & Go Guide for Busy Women. Inside are quick meal prep recipes, as well as grab and go and fast food options. Link here! 


By Kathy Bowersox, M.Ed., LPBC, LMEC

Although there are many marketing strategies for growing your business, small business owners get most of their business through word-of-mouth marketing.  In fact, when ran a marketing survey a few years ago, the majority of respondents indicated that the marketing methods they were using included networking (68.8%) and referrals (54.3%). Another study reported in Forbes stated that 78 percent of startups say networking is vital to their entrepreneurial endeavors. One of the best ways to grow your business in this manner is through getting involved in formal business networking groups.

Networking groups can be a valuable tool for business owners looking to build relationships, generate referrals, and grow their businesses. However, not all networking groups are created equal!  There are a number of common complaints that people hate about networking groups, including:

  1. HIGH-PRESSURE SALES TACTICS:  Some business networking groups place a heavy emphasis on generating business referrals for other members every week, which can create a sense of pressure and obligation to refer business.  Referrals are an essential element of business networking groups, but the focus should be on building the relationships that will bring you consistent referrals and partnering with people to whom you can consistently refer.
  2. TOO MUCH EMPHASIS ON SOCIALIZING:  While networking groups can provide opportunities for socializing and building relationships, some people may find that there is not enough focus on business and professional development.  If you don’t spend any time focusing on each others’ businesses, you won’t be able to refer quality clients and referral partners to the others in the group.
  3. SAME OLD BORING AGENDA EVERY SINGLE MEETINGMost networking groups follow the same agenda every week that is, in reality, not designed for the group members, but for the visitors.  These agendas usually include each member sharing their elevator speech, which is a huge waste of time, since all group members already know each other and what each member does.  Not only is this kind of agenda boring, leading members to tune out, but also, it does not leave time for actually networking, where members are building their relationships and learning more about each others’ businesses on a deeper level.
  4. TOO MUCH DIVERSITY:  Most networking groups allow anyone with a pulse and a credit card to join and they do not vet members for suitability for the group based upon many factors, including length of time in business, success of business, type of business (lifestyle vs. full-time, MLM, or direct marketing). As a result, often, more established and successful business owners are not networking with their peers and are not getting the consistent referrals they need to grow.
  5. TOO MUCH FOCUS ON THE ORGANIZER:  Some networking groups may be overly focused on the organizer or leader (who is usually not a professional, but a volunteer who will rotate out in a few months), which can create a sense of the group being all about the organizer, instead of being focused on the members and growing their success.
  6. TIME COMMITMENT:  Most networking groups require a significant time commitment, with mandatory, frequent meetings and events, which can be challenging for busy entrepreneurs.  Quality of meetings is more important than quantity.
  7. LACK OF ENGAGEMENT:  Some networking groups may have a high turnover rate or a lack of engagement from members, which can limit the opportunities for building relationships and generating business referrals.  An active, dynamic group will grow your business the fastest.
  8. CONFLICT WITH MEMBERS OR LEADERSHIP:  Personal conflicts or disagreements with other members or leadership can make a networking group an uncomfortable or unwelcoming environment, leading members to leave.  Additionally, cliques are formed in many networking groups, leaving those outside the clique outside the action and feeling as if they are not fully part of the group, which also leads to members not being as engaged and often leaving those groups.
  9. POOR ORGANIZATION OR COMMUNICATION:  Some networking groups may have poor organization or communication, which can lead to confusion and frustration for members.  It is important that all members can stay connected, communicate, and refer easily between meetings.
  10. INADEQUATE TRAINING OR SUPPORT:  Some networking groups may not provide adequate training or support for members, which can lead to members not making full use of the opportunities in the group and limit the opportunities for professional development and growth.
  11. LACK OF TRANSPARENCY OR ACCOUNTABILITY:  Some networking groups may lack transparency or accountability in their operations, which can create distrust among members and limit the opportunities for collaboration and referral generation.

Ultimately, these issues result in a lack of overall value for many networking groups.  Additionally, many of these groups provide no additional value outside of meetings.  If a networking group does not provide enough value in terms of business referrals, professional development opportunities, or connections, members may feel that their time and money are better spent elsewhere.  These are the reasons people leave networking groups!

Networking groups can be incredibly valuable for building professional relationships and generating business referrals, but they can also have many drawbacks.   Overall, people leave business networking groups when they feel that the group is not meeting their needs or expectations, whether in terms of value, time commitment, leadership, or organizational issues.  When considering joining a networking group, it's important to carefully evaluate its structure, goals, and culture to ensure that it aligns with your professional needs, values, business level, and goals.

Network In Action (NIA) was created to address these many issues that business owners hate about traditional networking groups and more.  NIA is not your grandmother’s networking!  Our groups are designed as business growth groups in which you have the opportunity to grow the success of your business through training, coaching, relationship building, masterminding, and of course networking and referrals with successful business owners who are looking to scale their growth. 

If you are looking for a networking group in which you won’t have the above problems and where you can network with grownups to grow your business, NIA Business Force is for you!  Our goal is to help you grow your business and make your life as easy as possible.  We are exclusive, in that we only offer invitations for membership to already successful businesses looking to scale.  If you would like to learn more about how we can help you grow, visit and apply to join today!

Kathy Bowersox, M.Ed., LPBC, LMEC                                                                                                                                                                713-899-8615

©NIABF 2023, All Rights Reserved                                                                                                                              

The Importance of Having Home Flood Insurance in the State of Texas

Why Every Homeowner in Texas Needs Flood Insurance: A Personal Story

Floods are one of the most devastating natural disasters that can happen to a homeowner, causing significant damage to property and financial loss. Unfortunately, flooding is common in Texas due to its geography and weather patterns, making flood insurance a necessity for homeowners.

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Texas has had 21 major flood events since 2015, with an estimated $4.3 billion in damages. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey caused massive flooding throughout Texas, with more than 154,000 homes damaged or destroyed. Sadly, many homeowners were not insured or underinsured, causing significant financial strain and delaying their recovery efforts.

Even if you are not in a designated flood zone, it is still crucial to consider purchasing flood insurance. As a homeowner in Texas, I understand the importance of having flood insurance, regardless of my property's location. I built my home in 1999, and I have carried flood insurance since then. I saw the devastation my in-laws had from flooding during a slow-moving storm in 1994, which dropped 20-30 inches of rain throughout Montgomery County and the surrounding area, causing flooding that had never been seen before. As a result, my family and I knew that having flood insurance was crucial.  

Having flood insurance allowed my family to minimize our financial losses when we flooded during Hurricane Harvey. We did not have to dip into our retirement savings to restore our home, nor did we have to wait for government assistance.  In fact, we were able to restore our home and get back into our home within 5 months.  To some degree, I had what you may call "Survivors Guilt".  Unfortunately, some homeowners are still waiting for help years after their homes were damaged or destroyed by floods.

Flood insurance is not included in most homeowners' insurance policies, but it is available through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which is administered by FEMA. The NFIP provides affordable flood insurance to homeowners, renters, and business owners in communities that participate in the program. Flood insurance policies typically take 30 days to go into effect, so it is important to purchase a policy before flooding occurs.  I am able to offer quotes with both private and NFIP plans.  Most people believe flood insurance is expensive...for most it can be less than a signature cup of java per week.

Flood insurance coverage varies based on your policy, but it typically covers damages caused by heavy rains, storm surges, and overflowing bodies of water. It can also cover damage caused by mudflows, which are common in Texas. Flood insurance can help you recover from a flood event and avoid financial hardship.

In conclusion, flooding can occur anywhere in Texas, and it is important to consider purchasing flood insurance to protect your property and finances. As a homeowner who has experienced flooding, I highly recommend that you purchase flood insurance, even if you are not in a designated flood zone. Don't wait until it's too late; contact me today to learn more about flood insurance and how to protect your home from flood damage.


Jeanna Bumpas

Helix Insurance Group



Resources: 4/3/23 (Houston, Texas) - According to the Small Business Administration (2021) there are 32.5 million small businesses doing under $1M in revenue with less than 5% doing $1M or more, or 1.6 million who are doing well. The American Veteran is highly trained to become successful in their unique mission and aligned to be a cohesive global fighting force; however, there is no clear guide to designing or mapping out a future life in the civilian sector. 

“My long-time friend Kathy Bowersox, Business Coach and franchise owner of Network In Action (NIA) Business Force approached me a few years ago to talk about helping veterans to grow their businesses, including mine,” says Marine Veteran Andy Valadez and Marketing Strategist of Marketing Dynamics based in Houston, “I had been doing a lot of volunteer work with the American Legion, the Marine Corps League and other veterans service organizations, all geared to helping vets from all eras.”

Kathy and Andy began working with NIA Veterans Business Force (VBF) with a small cadre of prior service leaders of all branches and then they and their members inspired and were part of the launch of the Houston Veterans Chamber of Commerce, which has garnered the attention of the city, corporations, individuals, and other support organizations. Then A Million Veteran Millionaires (MVM) was born to expand the message and reach nationally.

Promotional Video: (1:05 min.)

“I was thrilled to see the development of the A Million Veteran Millionaires program from VBF founding member, Andy Valadez.  He and the MVM program exemplify the spirit of NIA, that of helping fellow business owners grow their businesses together.  Through both the MVM program and NIA Business Force we are helping veteran and other business owners scale their businesses,” said Bowersox.

Kathy was featured in February to talk about her extensive work helping businesses to succeed and her strong interest in helping veterans.

Kathy’s interview on MVM: (57:53 min.)

Past Guests:  Author/Speaker and Marine Veteran Akshay Nanavati, Author/Speaker/Real Estate Artist Frank McKinney (whose dad was a Vietnam Army veteran), Pastor Sam Childers aka Machine Gun Preacher (whose dad was a Vietnam era Marine), and 4-time Olympian/Author/Speaker Ruben Gonzalez.

A Million Veteran Millionaires is currently a free zoom call platform (limited to 100 for the live calls scheduled the 4th Tuesday of the month at 4pm CST). The Zoom features hosts Andy and Kathy, archived videos and audios of past guests, a recommended book list, access to Million Dollar Business University provided by NIA, a blog, branded merchandise, Marketing AI tools, Side Hustle info, and veterans business listing.

To learn more about A Million Veteran Millionaires, please visit:



For media inquiries, please contact:

Andy Valadez
Marketing Strategist
Marketing Dynamics
Direct: 713.560.3348

Marketing a business is one of the most crucial elements of building a successful company. It’s essential to reach out to potential customers, create brand awareness, and ultimately, drive sales. However, before embarking on any marketing efforts, it’s important to do your due diligence and conduct market research. In this blog post, we’ll explore why market research is so critical before marketing your business.

Identify your target audience:

Market research helps you to identify who your target audience is, their needs, and their preferences. This information helps you tailor your marketing efforts to reach the right people, with the right message, at the right time. For instance, if you are a company that sells high-end fashion, your target audience will be different from a company that sells affordable children’s clothing. Identifying your target audience helps you avoid the costly mistake of targeting the wrong audience, leading to ineffective marketing.

Know your competition:

Market research helps you to analyze your competition and learn from their successes and failures. You can find out what they are doing right, what they are not doing, and how you can differentiate yourself from them. For instance, if you are starting a new restaurant, market research can help you identify the other restaurants in the area, the type of cuisine they serve, their pricing strategy, and other valuable information.

Determine your marketing budget:

Marketing can be expensive, and it’s essential to determine how much you can afford to spend before starting any marketing campaign. Market research helps you to identify the most effective marketing channels for your business and the costs associated with each. For instance, social media advertising may be more effective for your business than traditional advertising methods, such as TV or print media. You can then allocate your marketing budget to the channels that are most effective for your business.

Test your marketing message:

Market research helps you to test your marketing message to see how it resonates with your target audience. You can conduct surveys, focus groups, or other research methods to get feedback on your message. This feedback can help you refine your message and make it more effective. For instance, if you are a company that sells organic food, you can test different messages such as “healthy eating” versus “sustainable farming” to see which one resonates better with your target audience.

Avoid costly mistakes:

Market research helps you avoid costly mistakes such as launching a product that no one wants or targeting the wrong audience. By conducting thorough market research, you can minimize the risk of failure and make informed decisions that will benefit your business in the long run.

In conclusion, market research is crucial before marketing your business. It helps you identify your target audience, understand your competition, determine your marketing budget, test your marketing message, and avoid costly mistakes. By taking the time to conduct market research, you can make informed decisions that will lead to the success of your business.

About the Author 

Direct: 713.560.3348 or text

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Strategic Marketer, Technologist, Media Personality, Columnist/Blogger, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Video Producer (motion picture, documentary and web), and Shofar Blower. Strategy first, tactics second.

Marketing Dynamics is a true strategic marketing company with a focus on entrepreneurship with interests in entertainment, technology, broadcast, publishing, politics, non-profits, and start-ups. We are building strong alliances in each one of these sectors and growing opportunities to benefit our clients, business partners, and friends.

Marketing Dynamics is a catalyst company that implements its strategies and tactics for effective outcomes with tangible and intangible results.

Marketing, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. We see opportunity through the power of Marketing.

Andy is a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran (Desert Storm/Shield) and Graduate from Texas A&M University with a degree in Marketing and Tulane University in Applied Business. Accelerate your business with us, because the market never stays the same.

Former founding Marketing Director Board Member of the American Veterans Museum being planned in Houston.

Andy served as the Public Relations Officer for the 22nd District Department of Texas American Legion (over 12 posts in Houston) and American Legion Post 164 PR Officer in Katy, Texas and currently serves as the PR Officer for the Marine Corps League McLemore Detachment 324 (one of the oldest detachments in the USA). Member of The Military Order of the Devil Dogs (Fun and Honor Society).

Founding member of Veterans Business Force a division of Network In Action based in Houston, Texas.

Member and advisor to President and Founder of the Veterans Chamber of Commerce in Houston, Texas.

Creator of A Million Veteran Millionaires (

Member of Katy Area Chamber of Commerce and the Katy Christian Chamber.

The Employee Retention Tax Credit was initiated in March 2020 to encourage business owners to retain staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two years later, we find ourselves in a time of economic instability with increasingly lower profit margins for small businesses. Adding to this burden, the Employee Retention Tax Credit will begin slowly slipping away.

ERC is filed on a company's amended 941, which is filed quarterly. Amendments are not evergreen. They expire. And this means the credit's statute of limitations begins to fall off quarterly once the deadline for an amended return passes. The first quarter that ERC could be claimed was the second quarter of 2020. The deadline for amended returns for that time period is July 21, 2023. Upon that date, business owners will no longer be able to claim for the second quarter of 2020, and so on, as each amendment deadline hits.

For the third quarter of 2021, the last quarter for which most businesses will be eligible, the amended 941 filing deadline is October 31, 2024. This is important to you if you still need to check your liability!  

Without going into a ton of legislative background information, the basics of ERC are:

  • For 2020 you can get up to $5,000 per eligible employee 
  • For 2021 you can get up to $7,000 per eligible employee for quarters 1, 2, and 3, maxing out at $21,000 per eligible employee for the year.

Qualifications have changed over the past two years. To simplify them:

  • A business must have a significant drop in revenue during 2020 / or, in turn, for the first three quarters of 2021 compared to 2019.
  • OR, they had to be operating under government restrictions.

There are specific nuances for individual industries that should be considered by your provider when your benefit calculation is being performed.

Working with an organization with a proven track record and history in the tax incentive field is essential. A reputable organization will always provide your ERC findings in writing, have a history of working with businesses on tax credits, and have the proper insurances if assistance working with the IRS is necessary. 

If you have not taken the opportunity to review your business's ERC eligibility, GMG allows you to do so. We've been leading the industry in specialized tax credits for over twenty years. In the past five years, we have developed proprietary software that allows YOU, as the business owner, to review your eligibility privately and without obligation. You may check your business's eligibility for ERC and other tax credits here.

We encourage you to know what your business is entitled to, as it does mean the difference between surviving and thriving in the year to come!

Get the help your business needs!

Up to $5,000 for Every Employee You had 2017-2020

Up to $21,000 for Every Employee You have in 2021

Up to $2,400 for Every Employee You hire

Up to $150,000 for Every Commercial Building You Own

See what your business qualifies for today!

The Best 10  ways to make sure you get all you are entitled to in the event of a Home or Property Incident or Natural Disaster 

1)  Take a Video of each Room in your Home and Store it, or take 4 pictures of each room in your Home.

2) Make an Inventory list of all itmes in your Home and estimate their Value,  (note: save all receipts of your purchases and store in a file or scan them to a Digital File .

3) If you have Valuable Items, such as Jewelry, Coin Collections, Valuable Art Work, etc, make sure you have an itemized listing,  (note many homeowners polices have limited standard amount, so you may need an Additonal endorsement or seperate policy for those items, Example:  I have an Extensive Coin Collection and some Art Pieces, So I have a Seperate Policy to insure those Items)

4)  Always purchase an Umbrella Policy, this will make sure you have ample Coverage, with Inflation, and our extremely vioatle Legal Climate, you need to have the Extra coveraes. 

5)  Always File your Claim immediately after the Incident Occurs, if it is a Theft Claim, Make sure you call and get a Case # from your local Law Enforcement Agency, They will provide them over the phone.   Carry an Accident form or incident form in You Glove Box. ( if you need an Auto Accident Instruction Form, Call us At ABM Insurance at 800 362 2809 , and we will send you a form, and a Jacket to store you Insurance information for you Car and Home)

6) You have the right to use an Independent Adjuster for your Claims,  Make sure you have your Roof inspected every 6 years or After a Storm. 

7) Water Damage , most Homeowners plans will not cover damage to Sewer Lines on the outside of your Home, Make sure you have the Endorsement to cover this or add the Additional Water Line Coverage. 

8) Never Take the Minimum Lmits on your Auto Policy, with the Cost of New Vehicles at all time Highs, you should have No Less Than 100,000/300,000/100,000.  if you have a Classic Car, you should purchase a Collectors Car Policy from a Carrier Like Hagerty.  Always carry Uninsured, Underinsured coverage, many people who may hit you, may not have Coverage.  

9)  Make sure you are getting All the Discounts You are enriled to,  if you dont Ask for them you may not get them, There are Numerious Discounts on both Auto and Home Policies. Always ask if they are going to run your Credit, as too many hits on your Credit Report, can lower your Credit Score. 

10) Always Shop your Coverage every Three Years, or if you have an accident, shop the next year, as some Insures have Accident Forgiveness after an accident, this could save you $$$$

If you would like a Free Analysis of your Current Home and Auto Policy , Call Misty, Edlin, Meaghan, or Brandi at ABM Insurance & Benefit Services at 281 448 3040, its Free and can let you know if you have the proper coverage, and have the Best Rate Available to You. 

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