The Difference

What is the single biggest difference between traditional networking and NIA?

Traditional networking asks members to spend 3 to 5 hours a week and recruit friends to grow the group all the while meetings have a focus on the guest. NIA focuses the meeting time on members who receive valuable information to help them grow their business and relationships. The networking is more organic and each month we attempt to bring you over 2k in real value!

How is this different from other Networking groups?

Let’s start with what is similar, which is only one person per industry. In every other way we are different. Yes, you can expect referrals, but we focus much more on growing someone's business. We have monthly meetings instead of weekly, state-of-the-art technology, and the leader of your group is a paid professional. They do not leave in the fall and they are compensated (not volunteering) for continuing to grow their group. Additionally, you are provided with free software to get more five-star reviews, two professionally edited videos, a Google My Business page consultation, a CRM system and the monthly agendas each valued at 2K or more!

Can a monthly meeting work?

Network In Action has been in business since 2014, currently we have over 300 groups in four countries and is one of the fastest growing franchises in North America. Thousands of businesses are members in NIA. This is not an experiment, just a more efficient way to build your business and create a great network of referral partners. With a written guarantee!

Tell me about the Guaranteed ROI for all members.

We have a unique guarantee for every member. If a member attends 11 out of 12 meetings and passes 12 referrals throughout the year we use very sophisticated analytics to determine a dollar amount that we can guarantee you in writing! So, if you do your part you will have a guarantee, if you do not reach your guarantee the second year is on us!

Do I have to pay for the annual membership upfront?

Membership fees can be paid annually, quarterly or monthly, whatever suits your budget.

What if I’m already in another networking group?

You are welcome to join Network In Action and continue to enjoy your other membership. We believe the larger your network the more value you have to members in our organization. If your chapter has a problem with you joining another group that is industry exclusive no problem, you will just join NIA and indicate on the application that you are there for all the other benefits. In this example you are not required to pass referrals. It’s the best of both worlds, you can receive referrals, take in all the value at our monthly meetings and continue to enjoy your membership with the other organization.

Am I required to recruit members?

This is another difference between NIA and traditional networking. We believe you have enough to do to build your own business and we'll take care of building the group. You are our client and while you are welcome to bring your friends you will never be required to. Most of our members end up bringing their friends because they want to have them experience this great group, not because they are required to.

What if I have a non-compete with my other networking group?

On April 23, 2024, the FTC ruled against the enforcement of non-competes. We would encourage you to determine for yourself whether this clause is enforceable. A more important question might be why any organization would want to prevent a valued client from growing their business!

For over 35 years, if you wanted to network, you were required to commit to a weekly meeting. In fact, the leading networking organization still suggests you spend three to five hours a week networking. At Network In Action, we have developed proprietary state-of-the-art technology that allows members to stay connected 24/7 with their smartphones. With paid professionals leading the group and utilizing their connections and commitment to help you grow your business, we can reduce your monthly obligation to 90 minutes. This proven methodology has provided a home for busy business professionals and decision-makers who had largely vacated the networking space. Welcome back!

Read more: Monthly Meetings

Let's face it when it comes to marketing your business, you have many options. You can recruit a young relative or kid down the street to build a website, run your social media and help out when they have time. Or you can hire a professional, and obviously, the positive outcome for your business will be dramatically different. It's the same for networking. However, before 2014 the only networking groups offered were run by volunteers. And you got a volunteer's effort, some better than others but none professionally trained. Even if the leadership was adequate, they were removed from that position annually and replaced by the philosophy of "next man up." This created what we call the Networking Roller Coaster, where you - as a member - were paying for that uncomfortable ride! Group sizes fluctuated, and many disbanded, wasting the precious time you had invested.

Every group at Network In Action is run by a paid professional. This person has committed significant financial resources to own their franchise and countless hours of training and accreditation. The old adage of "know, like, and trust" is circumvented by NIA leaders who only add members to the group who are likely to be a great fit. These decisions are validated as group leaders monitor monthly member activities and contributions geared toward the group. Most NIA franchise owners have years of experience running their successful businesses and bring these skills along with intense training to help you grow your business, and if they cannot help you, they likely know someone who can.

Read more: Professional Leadership

For too long, business networking has been completely void of any technology. Over the last 35 years, only very minor changes or tools have been provided to make networking more efficient for the member. In 1985 when networking began, we were all watching TV on less than 4 or 5 channels! In the years that followed, we had access to cable TV and too many channels to count. Today services offer streaming that provides unlimited options, and yet networking didn't change with the times. It was completely void of any technology... until now. 

In 2014 Network In Action changed all of that. Utilizing our proprietary software that mimics several successful social media sites, we can provide members with instant connection 24/7 from their smartphone app. The technology has two components: one makes the passing of referrals real-time and provides a forum where members can get to know each other simply by posting instead of sitting through needless weekly meetings. Additionally, every group leader has a smartphone app that allows them to monitor and measure all member activities to ensure everyone contributes to the group. This technology today is far better than what any other networking organization in the world provides for its members.

Read more: State of The Art Technology

At NIA, we require every member to take a background check before being allowed to join the group. Most organizations have little or no criteria other than the member paying a fee and having a pulse. In today's business climate, it is more important than ever that your referral partners be trustworthy. After all, the equity you have in your relationships matters the most. In addition to agreeing to the background check, members receive a business assessment that helps them determine their strengths and weaknesses. This business assessment is utilized by the community builder in the group to immediately help the new member recognize and bring together other members of the group who may be able to help them right away. We feel like these criteria help ensure all members' safety and the prospects we are connecting with.

Read more: Refer With Confidence
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