Now more than ever, with education rapidly changing, schools (virtual or otherwise), can become stressors for your children and yourself. Don’t worry. Here are a few action tips straight from an experienced, results-driven tutor that you can follow to help boost your children’s morale and inspire them to get straight A’s without the stress.


In our recent podcast, we presented the 3 C’s of SUCCCESS, or the idea that students need to follow the three C’s to succeed. 

  • Consistency, commitment, and community are all hallmarks of successful people, no matter what profession or stage of life they are in. Create an environment where your child can study consistently. Start by carving out a designated time each day to complete schoolwork. You can also provide incentives for commitment to academic improvement. Most importantly, foster a community that supports and encourages your children to be the best they can be. 

Make Learning Individualized

Most classrooms cater to the needs of the general homogenous population, which can be great for many students. But, it leaves others behind. Individualized attention is the key to unlocking your child’s academic potential. 

Our individualized tutoring program tackles this issue in three ways:

  • One-on-one tutoring sessions. This program allows us, instructors, to understand and adapt to your child’s learning style. This is a critical component for success. 
  • Individualized learning also allows for ample comprehension time. It gives your child and his or her brain the opportunity to absorb information at an individualized pace.
  • Personalized learning sessions can boost a student’s confidence. 

Successful learners are ready to participate in class discussions and tackle unfamiliar material, which takes self-confidence. As a parent, you can support your child one-on-one with homework help or test prep. But as a busy person with a lot on your to-do list, it may not be feasible for you. We can take some of that pressure off of you with our individualized tutoring.

Contact mAke the grAde

Success takes a lot of hard work, but just by reading this blog, you are already taking a step in the right direction to support your child academically and reduce stress for both of you. We are here to support you and your child in all areas, from tutoring in a specific subject to SAT/ACT preparation. If you are ready to make your child SUCCCESSful or try individualized learning, contact us today at or

Educator, Entrepreneur, Author, Musician, Cyclist, Vegetarian, Animal Lover, Amateur Chef, Parent,