Hello Everyone! I am so excited to announce that Dan Walkowski of Transworld Business Advisors is joinging our group. If you haven't had a 1-2-1 with him yet, please do so. He has an interesting and fun background, loves motorcycles, and is my go to business advisor.
Welcome Dan!!!
Hello Everyone! I am so excited to announce that James Russell of PDX Benefits is joinging our group. If you haven't had a 1-2-1 with him yet, please do so. He is a guy with a big heart and he wants to help everyone!
Welcome James!!!
Join us each month for Networking, Community Building, and Education. Build your network with confidence, and trust that you have the right people committed to helping your business grow and thrive! We meet monthly at the amazing Beaverton Round Executive Suites Training Center!
Good Morning Everyone! I'm so excited it's NIA week! I can't wait to see all of your beautiful faces! We are growing and doing some amazing things! Additionally, our social networking event on Nov. 26th is locked in. Please see the attached flyer. You will be receiving a calendar invite today! Have an amazing day! I am here to support you as always!
Warmest Regards!
Good Morning all! I have a special request this morning. If you don't have lunch or dinner plans today, would you please consider putting in an online order at Panda Express to support the Reynold's Middle School band. We have an amazing band director who really cares about his kids and I am committed to supporting this amazing young teacher to do the best for his program. Last year this fundraiser generated $800...Good Morning all! I have a special request this morning. If you don't have lunch or dinner plans today, would you please consider putting in an online order at Panda Express to support the Reynold's Middle School band. We have an amazing band director who really cares about his kids and I am committed to supporting this amazing young teacher to do the best for his program. Last year this fundraiser generated $800 which bought 7 new instruments so they didn't have to turn away any new band students this year! 28% of your pruchase goes to the school band program! No worries if it's not in the cards this time, and sorry for the short notice. I got the flyer last night! Look for more information about our Nov. Networking event coming out today and very excited to welcome two new members next week! As always, I appreciate you all!
Warmest Regards,
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Hello Members! Super excited for tomorrow's meeting! We have a lot of folks visiting, and some of the Portland group members attending to see what a real meeting looks like. I'm excited to see you all tomorrow!
Good Morning All! I want to directly address a few things while letting everyone get up to speed.
1. If you were on the receiving end of a text message barrage, I apologize. I immediately brought it to the attention of the CEO and he got the technical team on it right away. As you can imagine, it wasn't intentional. Some of us didn't get any text, including myself. I am constantly surprised at how much Network In Action...Good Morning All! I want to directly address a few things while letting everyone get up to speed.
1. If you were on the receiving end of a text message barrage, I apologize. I immediately brought it to the attention of the CEO and he got the technical team on it right away. As you can imagine, it wasn't intentional. Some of us didn't get any text, including myself. I am constantly surprised at how much Network In Action cares about it's member experience. The CEO asked if he personally needed to call the folks impacted. Who does that?
2. I have heard that you're getting a lot of emails! Primarily it's a large volume because there is so much for you to access and elarn, especially in these first few weeks. It will slow down.
3. It's time to get videos done! Sarah will reach out today for a time today or tomorrow for a quick zoom call. If you can't do either, we'll get them in early next week.
4. August Networking Event. Since this has been a wild month and I'm burried I wanted to check the pulse. We can have an event next Thursday and it's open Networking (Invite friends, employees, associates) or we can push to September when we are really rocking. Thoughts?
5. Invoices. If you haven't received an invoice for or paid for the Month of August, please let me know. Sept 1 is the next round of invoices.
6. Member profiles. Please file these out and add a picture, otherwise I will have to find one on the Google machine. Your profile is a great way to let people know more about you and who you serve!
I'm here to help and am so excited to be connected to you all!
Warmest Regards,
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