My Profile | Network In Action
  • Basic Information

  • Company
    Mindset Engineering LLC
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  • What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
    I love to figure things out and solve problems. This is why I became an engineer. I had several good years solving mechanical problems and then learned programming to solve more problems. But soon, those problems seemed small and easy to solve and the questions that started interesting me instead were about what makes peak performers, or creative individuals who change the world with their ideas and what’s different about the tiny fraction of people who seem to casually achieve things so far beyond the reach of the rest of us. What are the limits of the mind? Can the mind change the physical body? Can everyone have ideas and build empires like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos? Why are people working so hard and not always getting big payoff results?

    I found these answers in a goal achieving system that I studied and applied and can now teach to anyone ready to be a peak performer and creator. I love teaching this material and watching as my clients set goals so big that it initially scares them, but soon they blow right past that goal and immediately go on to 10x bigger goals with confidence.
  • About me
    First and foremost, I am an engineer. I do have a degree in engineering, but that isn’t what makes me an engineer. It’s because I must know how things work. Electromechanical things are pretty easy to take apart, understand, then make into new kinds of machines, and I enjoyed doing that as an engineer for an aerospace company or a number of years. Then I realized that many of the solutions developed by technical teams like mine, were not actually solving our customer’s problems. Although we may have developed new technology, even generated intellectual property, when and if it ever made it to the field, it didn’t alleviate our customer’s pain. I realized something in the communication mechanism from performance in the field, through the corporate communication network then down to the engineers was very broken. The symptoms were everywhere, projects routinely running over budget and schedule, new projects kicked off to solve something a previous project claimed to have solved, low moral in technical ranks and low technical literacy in management ranks.

    Efficiently solving technical problems that require cross functional communication within and between corporations became the new mechanism I was to take apart, figure out and fix. My journey started with learning data science and programming so I could analyze large data sets and better understand the problem. I developed new business intelligence metrics that more accurately represented field issues to the corporate decision makers. This led to building a digital thread that aggregated data from all life phases of a product into a central data model. The customer, program management and the technical teams now had a transparent model of individual products and its performance in the field to clearly communicate issues between the groups. It was funded with millions of dollars to scale it up but was not adopted by most of the organization and nothing improved for the company or it’s customers.

    This really confused me. And to understand it, I started to study the mind. I studied how habits and belief systems can make one person successful and another fail in exactly the same external circumstances. And how a corporate culture is nothing more than the collection of habits and beliefs of its leaders and employees. I learned how beliefs and habits are formed, how the conscious mind can be educated but that education does not reach the subconscious mind. I learned that the subconscious mind is in control of over 95% of our actions and results for an individual and the same is true for the corporate culture determining over 95% of the company’s results no matter how hard people are working. My conclusion was the same as the scientists conducting the research that proves that we only have conscious control over 5% of our actions: to change our results in life, we have to change our subconscious beliefs and habits. I started Mindset Engineering™ LLC to work with individuals and corporate teams and do just that.

    Humans are goal seeking beings and we each have the opportunity to pick our own goals, as big or as small as we can imagine for ourselves. I push my clients to think of very big goals, even a goal so bold that actually scares them, and then we get to work. My coaching isn’t about achieving this first goal although that is what we work on, it is about teaching my clients a goal achieving system in the context of that first goal. Just like there are laws of physics that govern the trajectory of an object thrown up in the air, there are laws that govern the trajectory of people towards their goals. I know it might sound woo-woo to some, that is why I gave you first my credentials as an engineer. The laws that govern goal achieving are not physical but they are absolute, repeatable, universal and teachable. As Mindset Engineers™, we can take things apart, see how they work and put them back together to work how we want them to, just like a traditional engineer does with machinery.
  • Profession
    Consultant / Coach
  • Title
    Mindset Engineer
  • Hobbies and interest
    I’ve always played the piano and I read often because there are so many things that interest me. I teach myself different programming things by googling but that all requires sitting at a desk or piano bench for hours after sitting at a computer to work all day. So, a few years ago, I went looking for a hobby I didn’t have to sit still for. And I found martial arts, specifically Muay Thai. I loved it instantly. It is one of the most cerebral activities I have ever take on, and I say that as someone with degrees in Physics, Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering and also learned to read, write, and speak Arabic in a matter of months as an Army Intelligence analyst. But I’ve never had to think so hard and fast as I do to keep up even with light sparring in Muay Thai. Its like chess but you don’t have to sit still to play it!

    Also, I really respect the people I’ve met at the gym who compete even at armature levels. They diligently train and then have enough confidence in themselves, their trainers, and the skills they’ve worked so hard for, that they will get in a rig with someone who is trying to knock them out and literally stand behind their own skills. This is a big contrast to what I had seen in the corporate world, where people with multiple advanced degrees were not willing to make a decision or hedged their own conclusions with wiggle room in case they are wrong. I do not compete in martial arts, but I am a person who does my own work, my own studying and research and stands behind my work even when someone is swinging at it.
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  • Contact Information

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  • Country
    United States
  • Special offers to the group
    20% off 1:1 coaching
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Education

  • College / University
    Northeastern University
  • Graduation Year
  • Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
    1. If time and money were not an issue, how would you spend your days?
    2. Do you have any personal or professional goals and how long have you been working towards those goals?
    3. Are you earning the amount of money that you truly feel you deserve?
  • Describe How You Would Like To Be Introduced Via Email
    There is no shortage of education today. But it’s also no secret that education doesn’t guarantee success. That’s because knowing is not the same as doing. Education lives in the conscious mind but, since a full 95% of our behaviors are habitual, the subconscious mind is running the show. This knowing-doing gap is frustrating and only gets worse if we try to fix it with more knowledge. To change actions and therefore the results we get in life, we need to change how we think and what we believe to be true about ourselves. This works on an individual level and also in larger groups. After all, corporate culture is nothing more than the group’s subconscious mind. To align the results of your team to your goals and values as a leader, start with the corporate culture. Then let the new identity of the team adjust actions at every level of the organization organically. This is Mindset Engineering™.